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Intel i7 overclocking the 8086K.

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Intel i7 overclocking the 8086K on Z390 a Motherboard.

This helpful guide is for overclocking the i7 8700K as well as the i7 8086K the only difference is that the i7 8086K skew is binned at the expense of the i7 8700K skew, that said the i7 8700K should reach 5.0Ghz in most cases whereas the i7 8086K should be able to get between 5.1Ghz and 5.2Ghz or even 5.3Ghz if you have a golden chip. The settings here are an example to guide you to achieve your own overclock and will be different on a case by case basis. Each component is different per build as well as the silicone lottery playing its part. Furthermore, this will be for the Z390 platform, but it should also work for the Z370 platform with the main difference is wifi support for Z390 on the chipset as well as some minor BIOS tweaks. I have also added my Vcore curve for my 8086k overclocking experience as well as the LLC, AVX offset, Ringbus, and validation methods.

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