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SEO in 2019, updated tips & tricks.

Google has updated it's SEO rules and scoring mechanics and sites will also be subjected to manual review by actual people. This means that the "old" SEO game of tricking the system will be harder or even useless. That said if you practised good SEO before not much will change for you since you never tried to trick the system, to begin with. A 200-page manual was released/leaked with instructions from Google to the reviewers on how to proceed/rate websites from now on. With the vast amount of websites out there, it will take some time before you will be reviewed but manual reviews are here to stay and will most certainly weed out the bad SEO practices of the past. This will be a short and sweet article going over the basics and some end-user examples from me the author.

AMD Ryzen 3700X overclocking guide intro banner

Ryzen 7 overclocking the 3700X

AMD Ryzen 7 3700X overclocking guide. This is an easy to use and comprehensive overclocking guide for the AMD Ryzen 7 3700X with a wide
Intel i5 100600K overclocking guide banner

Intel i5 overclocking the 10600K.

Intel i5 overclocking the 10600K on a Z490 Motherboard. This is easy and illustrated overclocking guide for the i5 10600K using a mid-range MSI Z490
AMD Ryzen 2600 overclocking guide intro banner

Ryzen 5 overclocking the 2600.

AMD Ryzen 5 2600 overclocking guide. This is a comprehensive and easy to use guide with illustrations to overclock the Ryzen 5 2600 CPU from
DDR RAM Overclocking Banner

DDR RAM Overclocking Terminology FAQ

DDR RAM Overclocking Terminology FAQ This Terminology FAQ covers overclocking for DDR RAM for both Intel and AMD platform and adds a reference material for various