The Corsair iCue Overwatch RGB profile is inspired by the Overwatch logo and is compatible with all Corsair iCue products.
All profiles come with a custom silent fan curve for the fans connected to the Commander Pro and the AIO, this custom curve is set for an i7 8086k overclocked to 5.3Ghz so it should suffice for any system but you may change this under the performance tab if you so desire.
1.1 Update, Adding ML series support as well as extending fan channels to dual x 6(12 total) and strips to dual x 6(12 total).
1.2 Update, Fixed layers, and added HD, SP fan series and Hydro X support.
1.3 Update, Added QL Fans, SP Pro Fans, ASUS Motherboard and DRAM support.
RGB Sync for ASUS Aura, Razer Synapse, CoolerMaster Master Plus, and Logitech Plus: https://rgbsync.com/
A Rainbow Six Siege iCue profile for the popular operator Hibana. The colors blue and yellow with the dark red from the icon. Motherboard, GPU and RAM colors were set through ASUS AURA.
All profiles come with a custom silent fan curve for the fans connected to the Commander Pro and the AIO, this custom curve is set for an i7 8086k overclocked to 5.3Ghz so it should suffice for any system but you may change this under the performance tab if you so desire.
1.1 Update, Profile updated to support ALL Corsair iCue products.
1.5 Update(Major Update), Update to support all Corsair iCue products with updated colors and effects.
1.6 Update, Adding ML series support as well as extending fan channels to dual x 6(12 total) and strips to dual x 6(12 total).
1.7 Update, Fixed layers, and added HD, SP fan series and Hydro X support.
1.8 Update, Added QL Fans, SP Pro Fans, ASUS Motherboard and DRAM support.
RGB Sync for ASUS Aura, Razer Synapse, CoolerMaster Master Plus, and Logitech Plus: https://fanman03.ml/?page=dwn
A Corsair iCue RGB profile inspired by the 80's bright neon colors, Vapor Wave, and Far Cry Blood Dragon resulting in a classic Retro Corsair iCue RGB profile, the Retro Blood Dragon RGB profile is compatible with all Corsair iCue products.
All profiles come with a custom silent fan curve for the fans connected to the Commander Pro and the AIO, this custom curve is set for an i7 8086k overclocked to 5.3Ghz so it should suffice for any system but you may change this under the performance tab if you so desire.
1.1 Update, Adding ML series support as well as extending fan channels to dual x 6(12 total) and strips to dual x 6(12 total).
1.2 Update, Fixed layers, and added HD, SP fan series and Hydro X support
1.3 Update, Fixed HydroX & RGB Strips layers, added QL Fans, ASUS Motherboard Support.
1.4 Update, Added DRAM support.
1.5 Update, Added Corsair Strafe RGB Mk2 & K95 RGB Platinum support.
RGB Sync for ASUS Aura, Razer Synapse, CoolerMaster Master Plus, and Logitech Plus: https://rgbsync.com/
A Corsair iCue RGB profile inspired by Blood Dragon, Vapor Wave, and Retro Neon giving a bright pink, purple, blue, light blue and cyan color palette. The Retro Blood Dragon iCue RGB profile is compatible with all Corsair iCue products.
All profiles come with a custom silent fan curve for the fans connected to the Commander Pro and the AIO, this custom curve is set for an i7 8086k overclocked to 5.3Ghz so it should suffice for any system but you may change this under the performance tab if you so desire.
1.1 Update, Added QL Fans and ASUS Motherboard support.
1.2 Update, Added DRAM support.
1.3 Update, Added Corsair Strafe RGB Mk2 & K95 RGB Platinum support.
RGB Sync for ASUS Aura, Razer Synapse, CoolerMaster Master Plus, and Logitech Plus: https://rgbsync.com/
Bright neon colors inspired by Blood Dragon, Vapor Wave and a variation of the original Retro Blood Dragon Corsair iCue RGB profile a more aggressive RGB profile, this Corsair iCue RGB profile works with all Corsair iCue products.
All profiles come with a custom silent fan curve for the fans connected to the Commander Pro and the AIO, this custom curve is set for an i7 8086k overclocked to 5.3Ghz so it should suffice for any system but you may change this under the performance tab if you so desire.
1.1 Update, Added Support for QL Fans and ASUS Motherboards.
1.2 Update, Added DRAM support.
1.3 Update, Added Corsair Strafe RGB Mk2 & K95 RGB Platinum support.
1.4 Update, Fixed DDR4 Modules and added Dark Core RGB Pro support.
RGB Sync for ASUS Aura, Razer Synapse, CoolerMaster Master Plus, and Logitech Plus: https://rgbsync.com/
A Corsair iCue RGB profile inspired by sand storms using various tones of yellow, and red and brown sandstone colors. This Corsair iCue Sand Storm RGB profile is compatible with all Corsair iCue products.
All profiles come with a custom silent fan curve for the fans connected to the Commander Pro and the AIO, this custom curve is set for an i7 8086k overclocked to 5.3Ghz so should suffice for any system but you may change this under the performance tab if you so desire.
1.1 Update, Added SP Pro Fans, QL Fans and ASUS Motherboard support.
1.2 Update Added DRAM support.
RGB Sync for ASUS Aura, Razer Synapse, CoolerMaster Master Plus, and Logitech Plus: https://rgbsync.com/
A Corsair iCue profile centered around the color Purple, the Seductive Purple Corsair iCue profile is compatible with all Corsair iCue products.
All profiles come with a custom silent fan curve for the fans connected to the Commander Pro and the AIO, this custom curve is set for an i7 8086k overclocked to 5.3Ghz so it should suffice for any system but you may change this under the performance tab if you so desire.
1.1 Update, Adding ML series support as well as extending fan channels to dual x 6(12 total) and strips to dual x 6(12 total).
1.2 Update, Fixed layers, and added HD, SP fan series and Hydro X support.
1.3 Update, Added QL Fans, SP Pro Fans, ASUS Motherboard and DRAM support.
RGB Sync for ASUS Aura, Razer Synapse, CoolerMaster Master Plus, and Logitech Plus: https://rgbsync.com/
One of my iCue profiles of the popular crowd-funded game Star Citizen, the colour pallet is inspired from space and the Concierge backers level to give you that premium feel!
All profiles come with a custom silent fan curve for the fans connected to the Commander Pro and the AIO, this custom curve is set for an i7 8086k overclocked to 5.3Ghz so it should suffice for any system but you may change this under the performance tab if you so desire.
1.1 Update, Profile updated to support ALL Corsair iCue products.
1.2 Update, Adding ML series support as well as extending fan channels to dual x 6(12 total) and strips to dual x 6(12 total).
1.3 Update, Fixed layers, and added HD, SP fan series and Hydro X support.
1.4 Update, Fixed layers and added SP Pro fans, QL fans and ASUS motherboard support.
1.5 Update, Added DRAM support.
RGB Sync for ASUS Aura, Razer Synapse, CoolerMaster Master Plus, and Logitech Plus: https://rgbsync.com/
Inspired by the moon of the planet Hurston named Arial from Star Citizen, a mix of sand and a toxic atmosphere give way for a yellow, red and green-themed Corsair iCue RGB profile. This Corsair iCue RGB profile is compatible with all Corsair iCue products.
All profiles come with a custom silent fan curve for the fans connected to the Commander Pro and the AIO, this custom curve is set for an i7 8086k overclocked to 5.3Ghz so it should suffice for any system but you may change this under the performance tab if you so desire.
1.1 Update, Fixed layers, added SP Pro fans, QL Fans and ASUS motherboard support.
1.2 Update, Added DRAM support.
RGB Sync for ASUS Aura, Razer Synapse, CoolerMaster Master Plus, and Logitech Plus: https://rgbsync.com/
A Corsair iCue RGB profile inspired by a lightning storm with a subtle lightning flash and cloud-like lighting effects, this Corsair iCue RGB profile is compatible with all Corsair iCue products.
All profiles come with a custom silent fan curve for the fans connected to the Commander Pro and the AIO, this custom curve is set for an i7 8086k overclocked to 5.3Ghz so it should suffice for any system but you may change this under the performance tab if you so desire.
1.1 Update, Adding ML series support as well as extending fan channels to dual x 6(12 total) and strips to dual x 6(12 total).
1.2 Update, Fixed layers, and added HD, SP fan series and Hydro X support.
1.3 Update, Added SP Pro Fans, QL Fans and ASUS Motherboard support.
1.4 Update, Added DRAM support.
RGB Sync for ASUS Aura, Razer Synapse, CoolerMaster Master Plus, and Logitech Plus: https://rgbsync.com/