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Tom Clancy's The Division guide to builds.

This is a quick guide for some builds I used when playing Tom Clancy's The Division. For the most part, I filed in the support roles since I was the only all-rounder and no one had good builds but I also was able to DPS and adjust being an offensive support player. This guide comprises of an Alpha Strike setup in different flavours, a Savage Firecrest build and a Medic build. All the builds feature a short intro with gear selection, perks than some footage of the build in action.

Alpha Strike.

M4's, LVOA-C and Famas with weapons damage talents


Savage Firecrest.

Primary Weapon: LVOA-C with damage weapon talents.

Secondary Weapon: Classic M44 with headshot and skill power weapon talents.

Combat Medic.

Main Weapon: Liberator with weapons talents to boost skill power.

Secondary Weapons: M60 E6 with weapon talents to boost skill power mainly used on NPC's.

These are all classic builds that have served me well when I was playing Tom Clancy's The Division.


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