- Knight Raiders, Special Warfare Division.
- Hits: 3485
- Rating:
Awarded by or recommended by KR Military Staff:
Marksman: 75% - 89% efficiency.
Expert Marksman: 90% - 100% efficiency.
Martial Arts Expert: fully mastered all martial arts classes.
Continues Service: 5 years(bronze) --> 10 years(silver) --> 15 years(gold) --> 20 Years(platinum & gold inlay)
Airmen Distinguished Service: Awarded for showing bravery and skill.
Airmen Distinguished Service Cross: Awarded for showing extreme bravery and skill.
SAR Distinguished Service: Awarded for showing bravery during SAR and Medical operations.
Medics/SAR/PJ's only
SAR Distinguished Service Cross: Awarded for showing extreme bravery during SAR and Medical operations.
Medics/SAR/PJ's only
Knight Raiders Distinguished Service: Awarded for showing bravery during combat operations.
Knight Raiders Distinguished Service Cross: Awarded for showing extreme bravery during combat operations.
KR Commander Unit Citation:
Competence and Qualification: Ribbon and/or Badge
AA Ribbon:
AT Ribbon:
Scout Ribbon:
Sniper/Spotter Ribbon:
PJ/SAR Ribbon:
Pathfinder Ribbon:
Combat Diver Ribbon:
Rescue Diver Ribbon:
Demolitions/EOD Ribbon:
Paratrooper Ribbon:
Combat Medic Ribbon:
Terrain Ribbon:
SAR Pilot/Crew Ribbon:
CAS Pilot/Crew Ribbon:
CSD Pilot/Crew Ribbon: Combat Supply Drops
HALO Ribbon:
HAHO Ribbon:
HAIO RibbonL
Riverine & Off-shore Boat Crew Ribbon:
Unit 666 Ribbon:
Recommended by KR Military HQ Staff to the Grand Master/Grand Marshall office(s):
Order of the Knight Raiders: Knighthood with permanent knights helmet stitched to your rank(s)
Awarded for showing extreme bravery, valor against all odds with disregard for his/her own life.
Knights Cross:
Legion of Valor:
Grand Master Unit Citation:
Grand Marshall Unit Citation:
Clasps and Bars:
Clasps: Knights helmet in bronze, silver, gold and platinum & gold inlay