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BIOS Settings.

Make sure your RAM profile is set to 2133mhz, not DOCP/XMP/A-XMP max 3000/3200mhz and up, just the basic 2133mhz all DDR4 runs on. Set the optimal RAM clocks speed after achieving a stable CPU overclock since Ryzen still has some compatibility issues. What RAM MHz you can pick also has to do with the die quality of the components, Samsung allows for the best results anything else will be lower. You can check your die quality with THAIPHOON BURNER and see for yourself, manufacturers have a list, but this tool is far easier and quicker. 1st Gen Ryzen is notorious for being very picky with RAM selection ensure yours is at least QVL from the motherboard vendor. Samsung B-die is known for always working with 1st Gen Ryzen CPU's. Finding Samsung B-die kits follow the rule of thumb 3200mhz with C14 timings, or 3600mhz should always be Samsung B-die kit.

ASUS Prime B350 Plus BIOS, RAM Base Clock

Now it is time to set the Ryzen 5 clock, in ASUS it is called CPU Core Ratio, MSI calls it CPU Frequency. Each chip Intel or AMD Ryzen will behave differently, the OC community phrase would be "silicone lottery", and it is winning or losing.
That said any Ryzen should be able to reach 3800mhz or I would recommend a refund and replacement with a better chip. They can go as high as 4000mhz or even higher, but that is winning the silicon lottery or being blessed with an engineering sample.

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Ryzen 7 overclocking the 3700X

AMD Ryzen 7 3700X overclocking guide. This is an easy to use and comprehensive overclocking guide for the AMD Ryzen 7 3700X with a wide
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Intel i5 overclocking the 10600K.

Intel i5 overclocking the 10600K on a Z490 Motherboard. This is easy and illustrated overclocking guide for the i5 10600K using a mid-range MSI Z490
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Ryzen 5 overclocking the 2600.

AMD Ryzen 5 2600 overclocking guide. This is a comprehensive and easy to use guide with illustrations to overclock the Ryzen 5 2600 CPU from
DDR RAM Overclocking Banner

DDR RAM Overclocking Terminology FAQ

DDR RAM Overclocking Terminology FAQ This Terminology FAQ covers overclocking for DDR RAM for both Intel and AMD platform and adds a reference material for various