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Simple and free SEO tools, 2019 Edition.

Below you will find a list of online free SEO tools you can use for various websites to improve your SEO, may it be a custom webpage from a WordPress or Joomla installation. Many free SEO tools lists are filled with paid or semi-paid solutions my list will cover those you can use for free may it be you have to register for a free account. This free SEO tools list covers the whole range of SEO needs, so anything from someone starting out with SEO to more advanced SEO users. SEO tools you may find in this list are for keywords, backlinking, site and image optimization, and Google PageSpeed such as load times and total requests. This is my free SEO tools list for 2019 you may use all or some to increase your site traffic.

Webmaster Tools.

There are 3 search engines that allow to submit sitemaps and analyze your site performance based on their own ruleset. These are powerful SEO tools in itself because the data comes straight from the source. Important to note here that with Bing that they provide the data for Yahoo as well. Data mine search results that apply to your website and the number of clicks you get from search results. As well as showing the number of pages from your website that have been indexed or ignored or have errors. And do not forget to submit your site map so the crawl bots will visit your site sooner than later.

  • Google Search Console: Google Search Console
    he biggest search engine and a must if you want to start with SEO if you want to improve your traffic with big data straight from the source.
  • Bing Webmaster: Bing Webmaster
    uch smaller than Google and they still use meta tags however it can still give you a good amount of traffic.
  • Yandex Webmaster: Yandex Webmaster
    he Russian search engine they offer their services in English as well and a great way to reach out to a Russian audience.

Webpage optimization and performance.

Several websites offer several services and result to analyze the various aspects of your websites such as loading time, minifying various coding aspect such as .css and .html as well as the number of requests. An important ranking factor in SEO is the loading speed and content optimization. As well as some aspect to indicate the end-user experience something that has become a more important ranking factor over time, this includes meta and title description and the structure of your website. The most important ranking factor to consider is that for Google since that yields the most traffic for your website but it is wise not to neglect the other search engines and take them into consideration. 

  • GTMetrix Weekly: GTMetrix
    By far the most popular optimization and performance test on the web it will give you a good idea and what you need to improve on as well as providing a waterfall tab that shows in sequence how your site loads how much time it takes. What makes it even better is that you can test for PC and mobile devices from various location to test how your website will perform to a global audience.
  • Gift of Speed: Website Speed Test & Performance Optimization Tools
    nother optimization and performance test that also allows you to test from different locations but only for PC. They do offer a small selection of tools to use with their test so you can optimize on the fly.
  • Google PageSpeed Insights: PageSpeed Insights
    traight from the source this test is from Google and will give you an indication of how you will do in ranking based on your website speed. Wise to use to compare to other tests if the results are roughly the same.
  • Webpage Test: WebPageTest - Website Performance and Optimization Test
    his test is much more granular than any of the other tests and allows for a wide selection of test locations as well as devices with a waterfall. Great for deep optimization of your website for SEO.

Backlinks and Analyzers.

Everything for backlinks and SEO related data linked to links, the amount of external and internal links, new links and lost links with that sprinkled in some content analysis with your links. Important to know who links to your website and if they do link to what page. Collecting links is vital for your growth as well as being a ranking factor in SEO. Here are some great free tools that allow you to give a better break down of links to your website and links within your website.

  • SEO Web Page Analyzer: Web Page Analyzer Free Tool for SEO
    Offering a short summary of your website regarding links, keywords, and social media offers some features from the previous section. Simple and easy to use tool with all the data contained in one page.
  • Open Link Profiler: Free link analysis tool - Link research
    By far the best free link analyzer out there offers a wide range of statistical analysis of your backlinks. You can see the age, anchor text, domains and pages of backlinks to your website.
  • MOZ: Moz Pro
    The free version offers some analytics for backlinks as well as page and domain authority. Great way to verify some of the backlink data you get from other tools.
  • Browseo: Your New SEO Browser: Browseo
    Look at your website from a search engine perspective without any style sheet and what is important for SEO.

Keyword and Search Trends.

See how your content stacks up in the world and see what the trends are. Very important for SEO even more so if you want to take a deeper dive into SEO. These are the tools to find the trends related to the content of your website and search queries from users.

  • Answer The Public: AnswerThePublic: that free visual keyword research & content ideas tool
    An absolutely great tool to visualize a massive amount of data regarding specific queries for keywords you are using or want to use. Breaks down your search and visualizes them in an easy way great for SEO.
  • Google Trends: Google Trends
    Coming straight from the source see the latest search trends by country so you can adjust your website content accordingly. See current and past search trends coming straight from Google.
  • Google Correlate: Google Correlate
    he little brother of Google trends this gives you are a more granular opposite method of searching for keywords. It will look for patterns regarding your input and tries to find correlating data sets.

Images and Optimization.

Images make up the larger portion of your website site there for it will impact your SEO score if you do not optimize them. These tools will ensure you will keep your quality images but reduce their size so your website will load faster. What is also important is a favicon for your website in various sizes and a search engine to see who is using your images on the web. Great free tools to help you optimize your end-user experience.


Some other tools that I consider to be vital for use in SEO they fill in a niche you won't find on any other the other categories. Ranging from Content Delivery network to a sitemap XML generator and a little tool that pings various crawl bots that you have updated your website content all in all these tools should give you an extra edge when it comes to SEO.

  • Cloudflare: CloudFlare
    My favourite CDN it will greatly help SEO and speed of your website loading times and improve your overall SEO score. Easy to use and free with a lot of options with most of them being a couple of clicks.
  • Small SEO Tools: 100% Free SEO Tools - SmallSEOTools.com
    An SEO swiss army knife this site provides some great free tools that basically covers every category in this article an absolute overdose of tools however you might some not as great a specific tools previously mentioned.
  • SERP Simulator: SERP Simulator - SEO Title & Meta Description Tool 2018 | SERPsim
    See how your the microdata markup of your website translates into a visual representation.
  • Ping-o-Matic: Ping-o-Matic!
    Notify a wide range of search engines and websites that you have updated the content of your website.
  • XML Sitemap Generator: Create your Google Sitemap Online - XML Sitemaps Generator
    Everything you need to generate an XML sitemap that you can then submit to the various search engines.

This concludes my list of great free and useful SEO tools for 2019. Hope this helps everyone out there who just started with SEO or just looking to improve their website a bit and venture into the phenomenon of SEO. By no means, is this list a bible but a selection of tools from my experience trying to optimize my websites. Also, consider that you do not need every tool every day or week you can use most of the SEO tools on a monthly basis or every time you launch a new website.  Be sure to share and of course, a link would help me out a ton.

- Paul "HisEvilness" Ripmeester

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