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Light Special Assault Deck purpose build special operation craft to launch medium to light helicopters,
helicopter gunships, light landing ships, special assault craft and ribs.


In order to conduct global counter-terrorism missions with a wide scope with a far reach and without imposing troops on a sovereign nation.
A special craft can be devised to acts as a mobile base to reach most of the earths locations.
None of the amphibious assault ships offers a reasonable size and cost perspective for such operations to be effective.
For that reason, the consideration can be made to design and build a special type of ship purpose built for special forces operations.

It should be able to operate solo without an escort in low-intensity warfare if needed escort can be added to provide more anti-air cover.
But the main purpose will be to offer a stable, fast platform to conduct special operations.
It should feature a small docking area in the stern to launch small crafts and a deck that allows for airborne operations without VSTOL.

While smaller conventional craft can fulfil this role in some capacity they do not offer a large enough deck that deck is also allocated to other systems that would not be needed.
In terms of actual size and displacement you would end up with a ship roughly the size of a modern cruiser but with a wider body.

All space is allocated to special forces operations with some defence what you would commonly see in the area of operations.



Crew: 100-150

Troops: Companie size and lower

Helicopters: 5 to 10 depending on the size of the helicopters

Well Deck: Only a small deck would be needed to allow for docking and storage of small crafts,
roughly 1/4th of the length of the ship, below the waterline and 1/2 decks above the water line.

Self Defense: medium range AA missiles weapon system to intercept other missiles/aircraft and drones,
CWIS in the form of 2 guns, 1 small ship cannon(76mm Oto) on the bow with a bushwhacker cannon on the stern to fend off small attack craft and can dual role as AA defence.
A range of .50/7.62 mm mounts for the ship crew and guards.

Electronics: a flight control/war room to conduct operations(radar/comms),
a operations room for the ship crew to facilitate the defence/operation of the ship and back up for the bridge if it becomes damaged.

Sonar Suite to detect below the surface treats.
Radar for defense and detection, air control radar and surface search radar.
Medical: small operations and recovery room for wounded with prolonged care.
Rec Room/Mess: Dual purpose room that can be used through the day to socialise and eat.

Length: 175m
Beam: 70m
Speed: 25 knots
Draft: 5 to 6m, a wider ship will have greater buoyancy.



  • possibilities of having a helicopter for refuelling to extend the range of deployment for medium and small helicopters.

  • NH-90 Special,



Mission description, a sum up for intended and possible deployment options.

To conduct operations for special forces on a global scale with water access.
To conduct operations in international waters in terms of boarding, SAR/CSAR,
Hostage Rescue on the high sea's, and various patrol duty's that do not warrant the deployment of carriers and other large surface ships.
To conduct disaster relief and shipping of personnel/aid to deploy where no there is no infrastructure or is damaged that is can not be used.
To aid larger amphibious assault ships by augmenting a number of available helicopters, this allows disembarking larger amount of troops per run.

Paul Ripmeester

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