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A list of reference sites for various military strategy/tactics and white paper studies.
When writing a article verifying sources is at least done with 2 reference sites or knowledge data bases.
Preference is towards even more then 2 but in order to verify data 2 separate sources will suffice.
For now the sites are not listed in a particular order but serve as a log and reference for readers.


A stable source of information and a great way to find more links regarding a topic in the reference list.
Sometimes articles are being modified as a form of "trolling" but this is rare but something to take note of.

Global Security:

A site dedicated to military, security, space and intelligence with a wide variety of articles.
You can find most information regarding a security/military topic here.
If you can not find it on this site you will have a hard time finding it on the web at all.

Global Firepower:

A comprehensive statistical analyses regarding military power with a wide variety of parameters.
Compare manpower, oil production, labor force, annual defense budget, external Debt and much more.

IHS Jane's:

A wide range of interest Defense and Security related articles.

Military Factory:

Database of past, present and future military hardware.
Including, Air, Sear, Land and Special Forces of all nations.

Air Power Australia:

A wide range of white papers written by defense analyst for the most part Air Force related.
Technical data and analyses of air power, air defense with some other branches of the Armed Forces.

These are just a handful but important website, more sites will be added in the future.
They provide a excellent source of information and cross reference.

Paul Ripmeester

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A little list for future reference.

"Your Soul!"

"Would you like a book deal with that comrade?"

"Inflation is a bitch"

"Advanced rolling up capabilities"


"Go choke on a potato"

"Love and loyalty cannot be bought in live, it has to be earned and given for it is not an asset or commodity, it is a gift"

"All resistance is futile cause i am V and all your base belongs to me!"

"Some will fade away like sand in the wind and some will be an everlasting mountain"

"It is easier to understand the current then find the new"

"Without understanding, there cannot be respect, there for no issues can be resolved"

"I always wanted my own planet"

"Halo I got a question for you? is teabagging a British invention because it sure does sound so British"

"If we all bleach our anus and pretend to be white we all get a Nobel Peace Prize"

"Don't bother to ransom my pod cause I will only give you 0.10 isk "

"We are Legion for we are many"

"I am too sexy for my planet it hurts"

"Would be man says: "but my wife says!!" ,V says: "Piss of you lame excuse for a man, go do the dishes you slut!"

"Hail earthlings!, if you do not STFU we will abduct you to our mothership and give you an anal probe"

"For the shire"

"Shireria Law, No Orks No Goblins"



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Here I will cover the games previously played by yours truly and whom I retired from for various reasons.
This goes all the way back to my teenage years in no particular order but will serve as a reference.

The early years there wasn't really much for online multiplayer, Delta Force 1 was the first game EVER that allowed up to 32 players.
I am sure there were some more titles but DF1 was a groundbreaking concept for multiplayer pvp, not to mention running of a 28.8k dial-up modem was laggy.
Sad to see games aren't made anymore that offered such an epic PvP where you had a 90-minute game session, holding several records for TKOTH and Sniper kills.
A whopping 86 minutes zone time with a .50 cal Barrett sniper for TKOTH and a K/D as a sniper at a whopping 124:2, overall K/D ratio 11:1 with over 1.5 million kills.
After that there was a long break from online gaming and gaming in general while I did, later on, picked up an Xbox 360 and played a lot of HALO.

Quick Links:
Delta Force Series.
EVE Online.
World of Tanks.
HALO Series, trying to find my old profile.

Delta Force Series
- Online PvP.
- Silver, FNMAGPRO.
- Men of War(*MOW*), Color Inc(CI), Dead Presidents(DP).
- Allround.
Delta Force 1

- EVE Online.
- Online PvP & PvE.
- VOC_Silver, HisRoyalAwesomeness, VOC_Dark, Miss Sargazm.
- Dark Code Holdings.
- Main character as DPS and Capital ship pilot, Industrial Alt with cloaked haulers and T3 poduction, WH Anchor with a cloaked Frigate and an Alliance Leader.
EVE Online Logo

- World of Tanks.
- Online PvP.
- DarkCode.
- Unit 666.
- Medium Tanks with E-50M as favorite, with other classes as secondary.
World of Tanks logo



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As mentioned in the introduction at the time, there is at times confusion because I am at times forced to change nicknames due to the fact the old one is taken. Therefore I dedicate this page to my online gaming adventures with the games I play, the handles use(d), clan/unit/team name. Games are linked to go the website of the game in question. Please click on the banner. Furthermore, will I connect my profiles of the character and any clan/unit/team I am a member of. I hope this will clarify and inform people of my activity online and deter any "copycats" from creating more confusion. Also, I will add games I retired from the same as the current listing with the additional information, found here: Blast from the past.

Unit 666

And of course, when you like games you have a gaming rig the specs are below if you ever wonder what hardware I use. My main rig I use for gaming, with my second rig mostly working and rendering with a 3rd rig as a server.

My Rigs:

Reaper V2.

Main gaming rig.

Custom build with Nvidia and Intel

Legion V3.

Work and render rig.


Server with NAS, StorJ and Development.

My Online Profiles:
Steam: -666- Silver, LINK
Uplay: HisEvilness, LINK
Origin: VOC_Silver, LINK

Quick Links:
Tom Clancy's The Division.
Escape from Tarkov.
Armed Assault 3.
Mass Effect Andromeda.
Ghost Recon Wildlands.
The Black Death.
Warhammer 40.000: Dawn of War III.
Star Citizen.
Post Scriptum.
Tom Clancy's The Division 2.

Tom Clancy's The Division.
- Online PvP & PvE.
- HisEvilness.
- Freelance.
- DPS & Support.
The Division Banner

Escape from Tarkov.
- Online PvP & PvE.
- HisEvilness.
- Freelance.
- DMR/Sniper

 Armed Assault 3.
- Online PvP & PvE.
- -666- Silver.
- Freelance.
The Division


- Online PvE.
- GrandMasterV.
- Unit 666.
- Clan Leader & DPS

Mass Effect Andromeda.
- Online PvP & PvE.
- VOC_Silver.
- Freelance.
- TBD.

Ghost Recon Wildlands.
- Online PvP & PvE.
- HisEvilness.
- Santa Muerte.
- Overwatch.
ghost recon wildlands

- Online PvP & PvE.
- -666- Silver.
- Freelance.
- LMG Gunner/Medic/Engineer.

The Black Death.

- Online PvP & PvE.
- HisEvilness
- Templar Order.
- BlackSmith/Ranger/Knight.
The Black Death online survival PvP & PvE.

Warhammer 40.000: Dawn of War III.
- Online PvP & PvE.
- -666- Silver
- Freelance.
- Eldar & Space Marines.
Warhammer 40.000: Dawn of War III RTS Banner

- Online PvP.
- -666- Silver.
- Freelance.
- DMR & Grenadier.
Squad Logo

Star Citizen & Squadron 42.
- Online PvP.
- HisEvilness.
- Unit 666.
- FC & Recon.
Star Citizen Logo 

 Post Scriptum.
- Online PvP.
- HisEvilness.
- Unit 666.
- DMR, Logistics, and Rifle.
Post Scriptum

Tom Clancy's The Division 2.
- Online PvP & PvE.
- HisEvilness.
- Unit 666.
- DPS & Support.
The Division 2 Logo



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As mentioned on my introduction page I have a wide range of interests but thought the years I managed to shine mainly in the field of military tactics and strategy. Throughout the years I contributed greatly to the worldwide effort in counter-terrorism.
While also being able to contribute to regular military operations in devising a solution for a wide range of problems I specialized in small units and guerilla tactics.

My work and experience in the field, testing phase, and active deployment. Forgive my sometimes "colourful" tagging of certain projects, this is for the larger part pun intended versus the haters and copy-cats. It is, unfortunately, part of success where certain people will attempt to either copy, sabotage or attempt to do both. Below is a small sample list of my contributions.

Physical work:

  • Laser GPS/Range Finder.
  • V-Carbide.
  • UV Targeting, Detection, and Tracking.
  • E.M.F.S.
  • R.A.M. & Longbow.
  • Digital Camouflage, Project Ghost.

Tactics & Strategie:

  • Short Corner Long Corner.
  • Alpha Strike.
  • High Altitude Insertion Opening.
  • Long Range Desert Patrol.
  • C/CB Battery a.k.a. Artillery Jaegers.
  • HCB/HCC & HCT Command Structure.
  • Mixed Battalions/Shock Battalions.

Upcoming Projects.

  • Hellcat MGS series.
  • 666 series derived from project S.T.R.E.S.S.


People talking about, referring or using my work as well as referring to family members fighting and sacrificing their lives in WWII. 


Paul Ripmeester

Corsair iCue

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This is a short Q&A for the Corsair iCue RGB profiles that are custom made and shared on this website hisevilness.com in the download section. This covers everything from the design process to some of the tools used and resources that go into making Corsair iCue RGB profiles. A link to the Corsair iCue software can be found on the top of this article as well as a link in the menu and on top of this articles to the custom Corsair iCue profiles.

Let me start by adding that all Corsair iCue profiles are custom made, there is no copy and paste internally or externally in the design process. If there is any problem with a Corsair iCue RGB profile please contact me directly or leave a message on YouTube. 


Q: Where do you find the music featured in your showcase videos?
A: I find all tracks on SoundCloud a specific track is listed with every showcase on YouTube also they can be found on my playlist here: RGB Track List.

Q: How do your capture footage for every iCue profile showcase?
A: I use my mobile phone(Samsung A7) to capture the profile in action and I capture desktop footage of iCue with OBS.

Q: What do you render your showcase with?
A: I use Vega Pro to render footage on my AMD Capture/NAS rig.

Q: Where do you find inspiration?
A: I take inspiration from my own hobby's, keyword research and random topic or images I find inspiring.

Q: Do you have a Patreon or do you take donations?
A: No, I purely do this as a hobby and I like to make iCue profiles when can find the time to do so.

Q: Can I use/modify any of the iCue profiles?
A: Yes, under the condition you leave a link to the original profile if you share your profile online.

Q: What Corsair products do you own?
A: 32GB Dominator Platinum RGB, Commander Pro, Node Pro, LL Fans, ML Fans, H150i Pro AIO, RGB Strips, Polaris MM800, K95 RGB Platinum and a Strafe RGB MK.2 keyboard.
Connected devices to the iCue interface example

Q: How to sync your RGB with ASUS ROG products?
A: I use JackNet RGB Sync found here:https://rgbsync.com/ and the ASUS plugin for iCue.

This should cover most of the common questions if you have any more questions please contact me directly or leave me a message on YouTube. Visit the download section to download here: Corsair iCue RGB profiles

- Paul "HisEvilness" Ripmeester



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Category for content that does not fit the regular sub-categories on hisevilness.com with a wide range of topics.

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